Monday, February 7, 2011

Sign of Cygnus

It was only this winter that I realised we had swans in town. I was thrilled.

I’ve been trying for months to get photos of them. If I had my camera with me, they were either too far away for me to get a good shot of them or they just weren’t there at all. If I forgot my camera, without fail they’d be hanging around right close to the park where I could easily have gotten good pictures.

I was out shovelling the driveway this morning, and I spied a couple of swans flying towards the river. So I set out with my camera in the hopes that they would go for a swim.

I was not disappointed.


There were also many many ducks and many many many geese.

(Does “many” look wrong yet? Many many many. how ‘bout now?)*


Also! Can you find the chipmunk?


Me neither. That’s because the cute little bastard dodged every time I hit the capture button. I promise you, he was absolutely adorable.




* many many many many many many many


JQ said...

You took some stellar photos. I want to make art with them. I'm really happy you went out and did this! I wish I could have been there with you!

Darned illusive chipmunks.

Sarah K said...

If I had a better camera, I'd have been able to capture the chipmunk, but all I have is a point & click.

JQ said...

Illusive chipmunks. Like little toothy squeaky ninjas.