Monday, November 10, 2008

Kitchen Experiments: Bananana Bread

So. When making "the best traditional banana bread recipe" [I did not make that name up. The bread is in the oven so I cannot speak — er... type — to its trueness yet], there are a couple of things to remember.

1. Read the recipe. And then read it again. And then make sure to read it a third time. This might be the best way to prevent something like, oh, say, throwing a full cup of butter into the microwave to warm when you only actually need 1/3 of a cup, resulting in you having two full butter dishes on the counter. Oops.

2. When step 2 calls for you to combine all ingredients, you should consider adding a prologue step 2 which reads: smash your ripe banananas in a separate bowl before adding them to the other ingredients, otherwise you will make a huge sugary butter mess.

Otherwise, it went smoothly. It turned out looking like bananana bread batter ought to look. It smelled like bananana bread batter ought to smell. In forty or so minutes, we'll determine if it turns into bananana bread the way bananana batter ought to.

And then Mr. B and I shall feast.

The verdict is in.

Decidedly bananana bread in shape, appearance and taste.

Is it "the best traditional banana bread"?

Mr. B. says he can't dispute the claim. I'm going to have another slice.


JQ said...

Oh That is too awesome. I can just picture you with a globby half mashed banana sugar mess with your nose all squinched up. But tada! You made successful banana bread despite the hassle. You make my tummy grumbly for banana bread. I think I have one in my freezer. it is not the best traditional banana bread but it should suffice.
I go now.

Sarah K said...

There was most assuredly nose-squinching.

isabel said...

I love banana bread and need to go make some.